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Northwest Indian Housing Association (NWIHA)
Sports camps, science camps, music camps or the like are not eligible for scholarships.
Here is a helpful checklist of what every submission must contain, in order to be
A completed SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM (Form #1, pages 2-4)
including a HANDWRITTEN (not typed) essay within the space provided on
page 3.
The sponsorship letter must be from a voting member of NWIHA in good
standing as a dues paying member (this includes a tribal department, an Indian
housing authority or TDHE). Sponsorship letter must be signed by the
housing office manager, executive director, or other such title for the person
in charge of housing. Letter must be on letterhead of the tribe, authority, or
TDHE signing the sponsorship letter.
Go to www.nwiha.org for a list of Voting Members and contact information.
Provide signed letters from two (2) individuals on references; references
may not be related to you or your family.
Applicant must be an enrolled Tribal member of an NWIHA Voting
Member Tribe. Application must include written documentation of your
tribal enrollment by the enrollment officer from applicant’s Tribe.
You must be less than 24 years old as of the deadline submission date.
Therefore, provide a verification of your age (which could include a copy of
your Tribal Identification; birth certificate; or driver’s license for
Application must include transcripts from the college or high school you are
attending, or GED certification.
All of these items must be postmarked on or before March 31
of each year, or the
Application will be automatically rejected. Faxed applications will NOT be
accepted. Mail completed Applications and supporting materials to:
NWIHA Educational Scholarship Committee
c/o Laurie Ann Cloud
Nez Perce Tribal Housing Authority
P. O. Box 188
Lapwai, ID 83540
Please update us with any address changes when they occur!
Form #1
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Northwest Indian Housing Association (NWIHA)
Scholarship applications will be reviewed to meet the following minimum eligibility before any
further review of the application will be done. Applicant must either have an application
pending or a letter of acceptance from a higher education institution such as a four (4) year
college or a two (2) year community college prior to the funds being sent to the higher
educational institution. Applicant must not have reached their 24th birthday by the deadline
submission date. Applicant must be an enrolled member from one of the NWIHA member
Tribes. IMPORTANT TIP: Fill in all information requested; any blanks or incomplete
sections may result in the rejection of your application!
Payments are made directly to the school, organization, etc. and not to the Applicant or their
families. All of these items must be postmarked on or before March 31
of each year, or the
Application will be automatically rejected. Faxed applications will NOT be accepted. All
Applications become the property of NWIHA. NWIHA reserves the right to publish essays.
Step 1. Applicant Information.
Name of Applicant: Date of Birth:
Male Female
Residence Address (not P. O. Box):
Mailing Address (if different from above):
City/State/Zip: Tel:
E-mail: Tribal Affiliation:
Current Status:
Full time student. Part time student Non-student
If an award is made, to which college should the funds be sent?
Form #1
(Revised 2016) Page 3 of 4
Step 2. Write an Essay.
HAND WRITE – do NOT type - in the space below, the need for funds, how the funds will be used,
and how the educational activity or training will improve the Applicant’s life. Write legibly in this
outlined space only:
Amount of Scholarship Requested: $ .
Form #1
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Step 3. Document Support for Your Application.
Applications without the appropriate documentation will be considered incomplete.
A sponsorship letter must be submitted with each application. The sponsorship letter
must be from a voting member of NWIHA in good standing as a dues paying member
(this includes a tribal department, an Indian housing authority or TDHE). Sponsorship
letter must be signed by the housing office manager, executive director, or other such title
for the person in charge of housing. Letter must be on letterhead of the tribe, authority,
or TDHE signing the sponsorship letter.
Provide signed letters from two (2) individuals on references; references may not be
related to you or your family. References must not be more than one year old.
Application must include written documentation of your tribal enrollment by the
enrollment officer from applicant’s Tribe. Applicant must be an enrolled Tribal
member of an NWIHA Voting Member Tribe.
Application must include transcripts from the college or high school they are attending,
or GED certification. Transcripts must include all prior year classes,
i.e. if a sophomore in college, the transcript must be through your freshmen college
courses, if a senior in high school it must be through your junior year. All transcripts
must be certified by the high school or college you attended. If transcripts are only
available on-line, please enclose the print-out which identifies the school’s web site link
that was used.
You must verify your age or date of birth, as described on the Checklist.
Step 4. Sign, Date and Mail the Application.
All of these items must be postmarked on or before March 31
of each year, or the Application will
be automatically rejected. Faxed applications will NOT be accepted.
If transcripts are only available on-line, please enclose the print-out which identifies the school’s
web site link that was used.
Mail completed Applications and supporting materials to:
NWIHA Educational Scholarship Committee
c/o Laurie Ann Cloud
Nez Perce Tribal Housing Authority
P. O. Box 188
Lapwai, ID 83540
Please update us with any address changes when they occur!
All Applications become the property of NWIHA. NWIHA reserves the right to publish essays.
All scholarship awards, if not disbursed, expire six months from the date of the award letter.
Application by Prior Award Winners. Only those previous award winners who are currently
enrolled in a four-year degree program will be considered for another award for this program
Signed (Applicant): Date: