Revised 04/02/2015
Application for Registration For Tenant Associations (5 or more units)
The attached application for tenant organization registration includes preparation
instructions. The registration application must include: a letter of interest in purchasing, an
association membership list, a registration application, a statement from a tenant organization
officer attesting to the truthfulness of the information, articles of incorporation, a certificate of
incorporation, and by-laws.
The certificate of incorporation may be obtained from the D.C. Department of Consumer
and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) by submitting the articles of incorporation between the hours of
8:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. The One Stop Center is located at 1100 M
Street, S.W., and the phone number is (202) 442-9546. The current fee is $50.00, however the
fee is subject to change without notice.
Because the tenant organization’s by-laws are important to its successful operations, it is
advisable for the organization to obtain competent legal counsel before adopting them.
If you should need assistance with the preparation of the Registration Application, the
articles of incorporation and the by-laws, you may contact the following organizations:
D.C. Department of Housing & Community
1800 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 442-7200
D.C. Office of the Tenant Advocate
2000 14th Street, N.W., Suite 300-N
Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 719-6560
Housing Counseling Services
2410 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 667-7006
Latino Economic Development Corporation
641 S Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 540-7417
Please contact the Rental Conversion and Sale Division If you have any questions regarding
this matter.
LETTER OF INTEREST IN PURCHASING: State the tenant organization’s interest in
purchasing (see attached form). This should be included in the package as a cover letter
to the owner.
APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION: State the name of the tenant organization, the date
of incorporation, the address of the housing accommodation offered for sale, the date the
offer was received (not necessarily the same as the date on the “Offer of Sale”), the
name of the owner, the name of the sales agent, the names, address(es), position and
phone numbers of the officers of the tenant organization, the name of the tenant
organization’s legal counsel (if any), the number of units, the number of occupied units,
the number of members in the tenant association, the number of employees of the owner
in the preceding one hundred twenty (120) days and the number of tenants who have
been occupants for less than ninety (90) days. (The Application for Registration must be
signed and notarized by the organization’s president or other authorized officer.)
Attach a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, the Certificate of Incorporation, and the By-laws.
The Articles of Incorporation and By-laws are evidence that the tenant organization has
the legal capacity to hold an interest in real estate.
An officer of the tenant association must sign the Letter of Interest in Purchasing, the
Application for Registration, the Application for Registration Certification and the
Membership Lists. The Application for Registration, with the attachments, must be
provided to the owner or the owners agent and one (1) copy must also be forwarded to
the Mayor within the applicable time frame. Both should be either hand delivered or sent
by certified mail with the return receipt requested. If the document is hand delivered, the
receipt, which is included with this package, should be completed and signed by the
recipient. The copy for the Mayor should be addressed to:
D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development
Rental Conversion and Sale Division
1800 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 442-4407
If you have questions, please call the Rental Conversion and Sale Division on (202) 442-4407.
Date: _______________________________________
To: _________________________________________
(Name of Owner or Agent)
Dear Sir or Madam:
The ____________________________________ Tenant Association, Inc., incorporated on
_____________________________, 201___, pursuant to Title IV of the Rental Housing
Conversion and Sale Act of 1980, D.C. Law 3-86, as amended, (the Law) expresses its interest
in purchasing the housing accommodation(s) located at:
_____________________________________________, Washington, D.C.
In compliance with the registration requirements and to give evidence of our capacity to hold
real property, enclosed is a copy of the tenant association’s Application for Registration,
- the Articles of Incorporation,
-Bylaws, and
-Certificate of Incorporation,
which documents include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the association’s
officers and legal counsel (if any).
This statement of interest and the accompanying registration materials are sent in response to the
Offer of Sale and Tenant Opportunity to Purchase (Offer) dated ,
20 . That Offer was received by tenants on
, 20 .
In addition to providing a copy of any ratified third party contract, pursuant to the Law and to
assist the tenants association in exploring the feasibility of purchasing this property, please
provide the following documents and/or information within seven (7) days of your receipt of this
1. A floor plan of the building(s), if available;
2. An itemized list of monthly operating expenses, utility consumption rates, and
3. capital expenditures for each of the two (2) preceding calendar years; and,
4. The most recent rent roll, a list of tenants, and a list of vacant apartments.
A copy of any contract with a third party, if one exists, for the sale of this property. In
accordance with the Law, you are required to provide the above-listed documents and/or
information within seven (7) days of your receipt of this letter. For every day of delay beyond
the seven (7) days, the period allowed for us to negotiate a contract of sale with you shall be
extended one (l) day.
Tenants Association, Inc.
Its: President
cc: D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development
Rental Conversion and Sale Division
1800 Martin Luther King, Jr., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 442-4407
Title IV of D.C. Law 3-86, as amended
Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act of 1980
“Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act"
1. Name of Tenant Association: _______________________________________
2. Date of Incorporation: _____________________________________________
3. Address(s) of housing accommodation(s) offered for sale:
4. Date offer of sale received: __________________________________________
5. Name of owner(s) (if known): ________________________________________
6. Name of sales agent (if any): ________________________________________
a. Position: ____________________ Name:__________________
Address: _______________________
Phone: _________________________
b. Position: ____________________ Name:__________________
Address: _______________________
Phone: _________________________
c. Position: ____________________ Name:__________________
Address: _______________________
Phone: _________________________
d. Position: ____________________ Name:__________________
Address: _______________________
Phone: _________________________
e. Position: ____________________ Name:__________________
Address: _______________________
Phone: _________________________
f. Position: ____________________ Name:__________________
Address: _______________________
Phone: _________________________
LEGAL COUNSEL (if any): _________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Number of units: __________________________________________
Number of occupied units: __________________________________
Number of members in tenants association: _________________
1. Copy of Articles of Incorporation
2. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
3. Copy of By-laws
4. Letter of Interest in Purchasing
5. Membership Lists
I hereby certify that the above information, including the attachments, is true to the best
of my knowledge, information and belief.
Name of Tenants Association
By: President
or By: Vice-President
or By: Secretary
Date: ___________________________
The following occupants are represented by the _______________________________
Tenants Association, Inc., in negotiations
for the purchase of the housing accommodation (s) located at ____________________
Name - Address Unit Number
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
________________________________________________ __________
They represent out of occupied units.
By: President
or By: Vice-President
or By: Secretary
Date: ___________________________
The following occupants are members of the _____________________________ Tenants
Association, Inc.. However, they have been excluded from the number of occupants required to
represent a majority of the occupied units because they have been occupants for less than ninety
(90) days and/or are employees of the owner.
Employee of the Owner Occupant for Less than Ninety (90) Days
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
By: President
or By: Vice-President
or By: Secretary
Date: ___________________________
_____________________________________ Date:_______________________
Name of Office Holder in Tenants Association
I, , a Notary Public, hereby certify that on
the day of , the person named above
personally appeared before me, certified that the statements contained in the foregoing
documents (Application for Registration and Membership List) are true to the best of his
or her knowledge and belief, and signed the documents as ______________________.
Title of Office Holder in
Tenants Association
Notary Public
My commission expires: _____________
[Notary Seal]
I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the foregoing Letter of Interest in Purchasing,
Application for Registration, Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, Certificate of
Incorporation and Membership List for the ____________________________________
Tenants Association, Inc.
Rental Conversion and Sale Division
Name of Representative: ____________________________________________
Signature of Representative: _________________________________________
Date & Time: ______________________________ at a.m./p.m.
Owner or Owner’s Agent
Name: __________________________________________________________
Position: ________________________________________________________
Date & Time: ______________________________ at a.m./p.m.