Hyundai Motor Company
Occupational Health & Safety Policy
2022. 06. 30
Document No.
Last Edited
2022. 06. 30
Managed by
Safety Management
& Planning Team
I would like to sincerely thank you for your interest and support for Hyundai Motor Company.
Hyundai Motor Company makes health and safety essential for our business operations. We are doing
our best to create a safe workplace for our employees, business partners, other stakeholders, and the
local community. We aim to realize our occupational health and safety vision with a responsible
attitude by establishing a health and safety management system based on health and safety policies
and regulations.
Hyundai Motor Company promotes minimizing health and safety risks and continues to improve them.
Hyundai Motor Company abides by domestic and international health and safety laws and regulations.
We systematically identify and manage potential risks that may arise in business operations and
promote improvement activities to eliminate or reduce negative impacts on employees and the
environment. To this end, we will actively manage health and safety risks by implementing
maintenance/repair/updating of facilities and equipment at worksites and related technologies.
Hyundai Motor Company realizes an organizational culture to enhance occupational health and safety.
We believe that the promotion of health and safety management is closely related to our mid-to-long-
term business success while meeting the expectations of our employees, partners, customers,
shareholders, and other stakeholders. Hyundai Motor Company will spare no effort in investment and
support necessary to achieve its health and safety vision and strategy and spread a health and safety
culture based on employee education and participation.
Hyundai Motor Company Chief Health and Safety Officer
1. Preamble
A. Purpose of enactment
Hyundai Motor Company declares this occupational health and safety management policy to
ensure the lasting value of life by providing a safe and healthy workplace as well as preventing
disasters that may occur throughout business operations, such as the supply chain, business sites,
distribution networks, and sales channels. This occupational health and safety management policy
has been established based on domestic and foreign health and safety-related laws and
regulations (Occupational Health and Safety Act, etc.), health and safety management standards
and guidelines (ISO45001, etc.), Hyundai Motor Company's health and safety management policy,
and health and safety management promotion strategies and goals.
B. Coverage
Hyundai Motor Company's entire domestic production plants, overseas production subsidiaries,
sales corporations, and research institutes shall be subject to this health and safety management
policy. In addition, Hyundai Motor Company shall recommend this health and safety management
policy to stakeholders under the company’s provision such as suppliers, business partners, and
distribution networks. The company shall also jointly promote activities with the stakeholders to
expand health and safety preventive inspections, internalize a safety culture, and introduce new
safety technologies. Hyundai Motor Company shall comply with relevant international health and
safety laws and regulations (Occupational Health and safety Act, etc.) Hyundai Motor Company
Occupational Health and Safety Management Policy of Hyundai Motor Company
"Hyundai Motor Company guarantees the lasting value of life by providing a safe and healthy
work environment under the vision of 'Progress for Humanity.'"
1. Set a top priority on site- and people-centered safety management.
2. Strive to internalize a safety culture through everyone's voluntary participation.
3. Promote developing advanced safety systems based on diverse perspectives and creative
4. Satisfy social expectations by practicing safety beyond the internal and external legal and
social requirements.
shall establish and implement health and safety plans, prioritizing this policy if health and safety are
not covered by the laws and regulations of the local country, or there are no special provisions.
C. Implementation procedure
Hyundai Motor Company shall establish a health and safety management system to implement
this occupational health and safety management policy, and commit to continually improve the
performance of the health and safety management system. Hyundai Motor Company's domestic
production plants, overseas production subsidiaries, subsidiaries, and sub-subsidiaries shall
operate the P(Plan)-D(Do)-C(Check)-A(Action) cycle, which includes the establishment of health
and safety action plan, the identification of risk factors and the promotion of health and safety
promotion activities, the evaluation of health and safety activity performance, and the preparation
of improvement measures based on performance analysis, etc. In addition, Hyundai Motor
Company shall encourage each business site to acquire third-party certifications (ISO45001,
OHSAS18001, KOSHA18001, etc.) for the health and safety management system or to train internal
certification auditors to independently examine the health and safety management system, in
consideration of country-specific laws and regulations, market conditions, industry specificity, etc.
- Establishment of
company-wide health
and safety action plan
- Securing resources
such as health and
safety budget
- Establishment of risk
- Promotion of plan-
based health and
safety activities
- Intensive
management of risk
factors based on risk
- Regular inspection of
high-risk health and
safety factors
- Review of health and
safety activities and
- Analysis of
performance of health
and safety
performance goals
- Analysis of disasters
and diseases,
establishment of
measures to prevent
- Evaluation of the
effectiveness of health
and safety
- Preparation for
measures based on
performance analysis
- Establishment of
health and safety
action plan for next
2. Declaration
Under the vision of ‘Progress for Humanity, Hyundai Motor Company shall provide a safe and
healthy work environment to ensure the lasting value of life. Hyundai Motor Company shall establish
a health and safety management system to proactively prevent accidents and create advanced
safe and healthy workplaces through the establishment of quantitative targets such as total
accident reduction.
A. Improvement of Safety Management Structure
Hyundai Motor Company shall establish an integrated health and safety organizational system and
operate key performance indicators (KPIs) to promote improving health and safety level centered
on the field to implement the health and safety-first management policy. In addition, Hyundai Motor
Company shall enhance health and safety management by selecting improvement tasks to prevent
major accidents and checking the status of on-site health and safety management supervised by
the management.
[Main Goals]
- Expand/reorganize the health and safety organizational system to strengthen safety prevention
execution capabilities.
- Operate field-oriented performance management indicators to prevent accidents such as major
B. Intensive Prevention of Major Disasters
Hyundai Motor Company shall expand strategic preventive inspection activities to reduce industrial
accidents, including severe accidents, continuously. The company shall enhance risk assessment
procedures and standards to minimize health and safety risks caused by high-risk operating
facilities and working environments. Hyundai Motor Company shall also expand its investment in
building health and safety systems and infrastructure while producing and distributing practice
guides to prevent major disasters.
[Main Goals]
- We shall establish mid-to-long-term health and safety investment plans and install
implementation verification and evaluation systems.
- We shall use health and safety guides and manuals to strengthen health and safety leadership
and execution.
C. Improvement of Employee Safety Awareness
Hyundai Motor Company shall build an education platform, provide experiential educational
content, and promote participatory health and safety campaigns to ensure that employees are
aware of health and safety in their daily life. The company shall conduct emergency response
training to secure response capabilities in actual situations such as first responders, emergency
evacuation, and fire suppression. In addition, Hyundai Motor Company shall spread a health and
safety culture by introducing an incentive system for employees who have demonstrated leadership
in health and safety.
[Main Goals]
- We shall introduce open-platform educational content and incentive systems to spread a safety
- We shall expand and promote health and safety education and training to minimize disruption to
business operations in case of emergency.
D. Smart Health and Safety Promotion
Hyundai Motor Company shall improve protection devices focusing on high-risk operations to
remove major disasters and risk factors fundamentally. Hyundai Motor Company shall focus its
investment capabilities on building new health and safety technologies and infrastructure, such as
identifying and analyzing hazardous workplaces and detecting and alerting work behaviors. The
company shall establish a non-face-to-face response system to prevent infectious diseases to
secure employees' right to health and minimize disruptions in business operation.
[Main Goals]
- We shall build new technology-based infrastructure to eliminate hazardous work, construction,
and areas.
- We shall introduce a health management system and establish a daily quarantine system for
stable business operation.
E. Health and Safety Promotion Activities
Hyundai Motor Company shall carry out various activities such as assessing health and safety
management level, improving safety inquiry awareness, establishing a safe working environment,
and reinforcing health and safety capabilities to develop an advanced safety culture. Hyundai
Motor Company shall lead sustainable shared growth by supporting suppliers to secure their own
capabilities by establishing a health and safety management system for not only employees but
also business partners.
Risk Assessment I We shall discover harmful and risk factors in the working environment,
machinery, equipment, raw materials, gas, steam, work behavior, and others, and take
necessary measures to prevent risks and disturbances.
Health and Safety Labeling I We shall attach warning signs for dangerous places, facilities,
and substances and instructions to respond to emergencies at identifiable locations.
Work Environment Safety Measures I We shall set standards to manage sites with the risks
of falls, collapses, natural disasters, and other dangers in the work environment and
periodically maintain, repair, and inspect them.
Safety Measures for Machines, Instruments, and Equipment I We shall take protective
measures considering the functions and characteristics of machines, instruments, and
facilities, and maintain, repair, and check to ensure no potential risk.
Health Disorder Prevention and Health Measures I We shall take necessary preventive and
health measures to prevent health disturbances caused by raw materials, gas, steam, high
temperature, and noise.
Provision of Personal Protective Equipment I We shall provide appropriate personal
protective equipment for the working environment and make it compulsory to wear
protective equipment as well as provide and manage spare equipment.
Health and Safety Diagnosis I We shall conduct health and safety diagnosis in workplaces
with a high risk of accidents such as falls, collapses, fires, explosions, and leakage of
hazardous substances.
Emergency Response I We shall continue training according to emergency response
scenarios for each disaster situation, such as falls, collapses, fires, explosions, and leaks of
hazardous substances, and periodically check the function of related firefighting equipment.
Hazardous Substance Management I We shall list and keep material safety data sheets of
hazardous substances handled, regularly measure physical/chemical harmful factors, and
take improvement measures.
Health Promotion Activities I We shall regularly conduct health examinations to protect and
maintain health. We shall operate preventive measures for occupational diseases such as
respiratory and musculoskeletal systems and lifestyle improvement programs such as job
stress management.
Health and Safety Support for Partners I We shall establish a health and safety management
system for partners to make risk assessment more substantive and strengthen disaster
prevention through close on-site management such as diagnosis/education/consultation
with partners.
Occupational Accident Investigation I We shall investigate the cause and prepare measures
to prevent recurrence in case of an industrial accident. We shall regularly conduct industrial
accident statistical analysis and reflect it in our health and safety performance improvement
3. Management
A. Governance
① Highest Decision-making Body
Hyundai Motor Company shall manage and supervise health and safety plans, activities, and
performance through a meeting body where the Chief Health and Safety Officer (CSO) participates.
The primary role of the council shall include the deliberation of establishment/revision of health and
safety management policy, the review of health and safety risks and discuss countermeasures,
health and safety promotion performance check, the review of investment in health and safety
facilities and facility infrastructure, and other matters deemed necessary to spread/disseminate
health and safety management. Hyundai Motor Company’s regular board of directors or sub-
committees (Sustainability Management Committee, etc.) shall review and deliberate on health
and safety laws and regulations, mid-to-long-term health and safety strategies, and investment in
safety facilities and infrastructure that have a significant impact on business operation.
Dedicated Implementation Organization
Hyundai Motor Company shall install an organization dedicated to health and safety management
at its headquarters and business sites to perform related tasks. The role of the dedicated
organization shall include the establishment of prevention plans related to health and safety, writing
management regulations, work environment measurement, the investigation of industrial
accidents and establishment of prevention measures, the maintenance of facilities and protective
equipment, education and training, internal and external cooperation, and other measures to
prevent hazards and risks in the workplace.
Working-level Cooperation Organization
Hyundai Motor Company shall continuously operate working-level meetings involving multiple
organizations concerning the company-wide and workplace health and safety, personnel
management, compliance/ethics, and sustainability management to promote health and safety
management policies and policies efficiently. The working-level council shall play a role in
discovering programs, etc., to share internal and external trends related to health and safety, share
company-wide and workplace risks, and spread and internalize the culture.
Labor-Management Communication Organization
Hyundai Motor Company shall operate communication organizations (Occupational Health and
safety Committee, etc.) consisting of equal numbers of labor and management to jointly deliberate
and decide on necessary matters to maintain and promote health and safety and seek the
understanding and cooperation of executives and employees. The labor-management
communication organization shall deal with health and safety issues and improvement measures
as major agenda items, such as health and safety management regulations, health and safety
education, and work environment measurement and health examination, etc.
B. Grievances and Handling
① Filing a grievance
Hyundai Motor Company shall operate a channel through which employees, business partners, and
other organizations (individuals) can report health and safety-related grievances that arise in
business operations.
Grievance handling
Hyundai Motor Company shall prepare countermeasures, considering comprehensive aspects,
such as the safety of employees' facility use, internal operation procedures, and health and safety
investment regulations, etc. Hyundai Motor Company shall implement and notify the feedback
and handling procedures for resolution as soon as possible to resolve complaints and reports.
C. Education and Diffusion
① Education and Training
Hyundai Motor Company shall conduct health and safety education for its employees, business
partners and other stakeholders. Through this, the company shall improve the stakholders’
Representative (Business-site) Reception Channels
Department Name: Headquarters (Safety Management Planning Team), Ulsan
(Safety Team), R&D (R&D Health and Safety Team), etc.
Reception Desk: Autoway Official Website - Suggestion Space - Shinmungo for
workers' health and safety
Department Name: Headquarters (Safety Management Planning Team), Ulsan
(Safety Team), R&D (R&D Health and Safety Team), etc.
awareness of the need for health and safety management and ensure health and safety are
prioritized in work and work processes. The company shall also enhance its competency to
respond immediately in an emergency.
External Cooperation
Hyundai Motor Company shall establish a cooperative system with local organizations, public-
private associations, and external expert agencies to improve health and safety management
efficiency and effectiveness. Hyundai Motor Company shall improve its health and safety system
by sharing external organizations' expertise in building health and safety management systems
and experiences such as health and safety risk assessment.
D. Performance Management
Setting Quantitative Performance Targets
Hyundai Motor Cpmpany shall set and manage its mid-to-long-term health and safety
performance improvement goals to strengthen its safety-first management, prevent and manage
major disasters, and secure eco-friendly safety management capabilities. Hyundai Motor
Company shall set its mid-to-long-term performance improvement goals based on health and
safety data with leading and lagging indicators, as well as domestic and international laws and
regulations, industry health and safety trends, and internal health and safety issues.
Implementation Status Check
Hyundai Motor Company shall regularly check the implementation status of mid-to-long-term
health and safety performance improvement goals. The company shall comprehensively inspect
the effectiveness of activities conducted to achieve the goals as well as the implementation rate
against the goal and difficulties in implementing the goals. If necessary, Hyundai Motor Company
shall adjust its mid-to-long-term performance improvement goals based on the inspection results.
Management Performance Evaluation
Hyundai Motor Company shall reflect its mid-to-long-term health and safety performance
improvement goals and implementation status in management key performance indicators (KPIs)
and manage them. When evaluating the management performance, Hyundai Motor Company
shall comprehensively consider risk factor discovery, field-oriented improvement, internalization
and cultural diffusion activities on top of achieving health and safety performance improvement
E. Communication
Government Agencies
We shall check the government's health and safety-related policy directions and related
organizations in advance and respond preemptively. We shall also correctly grasp, understand,
and comply with relevant laws and regulations for each country, as well as international
standards and guidelines.
We shall share health and safety policies and policies with our employees and provide them with
training to improve health and safety management awareness. We shall faithfully implement the
health and safety-related collective agreements concluded with workers or representatives.
We shall create health and safety performance that meets the requirements of shareholders and
investors to build a lasting trust relationship and ensure that investment is expanded to improve
corporate value.
We shall strengthen our suppliers’ health and safety capabilities by sharing our know-how and
experience in health and safety management. We closely manage the health and safety of our
suppliers to create health and safety values throughout the value chain.
Local Community
We shall collect opinions from local organizations and public-private associations to eliminate
and mitigate health and safety risks to local communities caused by business operations and
strive to identify and resolve grievances raised by the community.
4. Addendum
This occupational health and safety policy shall be enacted and enforced as of June 30, 2022.