Date: __________________
Fire Department
Bureau of Fire Prevention
9 Metro Tech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201-3857
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am pleased to recommend __________________________ to apply for a
(Applicant’s name)
Certificate of Fitness for ______________________________________________
(Type of Certificate of Fitness)
He/she has ___________________________ of experience and will be working at
(years, months)
(Address of building where certificate is to be used)
Applicant is of GOOD CHARACTER and is PHYSICALLY ABLE to perform the
functions required by the holder of the Certificate of Fitness.
________________________ _________________________ _________________________
(Printed name of Employer) (Employer’s title) (Signature of Employer)
NOTE: Information on this recommendation letter MUST be typed
(including candidate’s name) and should be on employer’s letterhead. If
not on employer’s letterhead, signature must be notarized.
Fire Department - City of New York
Bureau of Fire Prevention
General Test Information
1. The computer-based Certificate of Fitness tests are multiple-choice questions, administered on a
“touch screen” computer monitor. A passing score of at least 70% is required in order to secure a
Certificate of Fitness.
2. All computer-based Certificate of Fitness tests are time-limit tests.
3. The study materials and the Notice of Examination are available on the following website:
Call (718) 999-1988 for additional information and forms.
4. The study materials are also available at the front desk before taking any Certificate of Fitness test.
However, you can only read the study material BEFORE you take the test. Once you start your test,
you will NOT be allowed to use the study material.
5. All Certificate of Fitness tests are being issued conditionally upon clearance of any delinquency
status regarding Child Care obligations by the NYC Administration for Children’s Services. If you
have a delinquent child support obligation, you must visit New York City Office of Child Support
Enforcement at 151 West Broadway, 4th floor, New York to resolve the problem before applying
any Certificate of Fitness test.
Test Security and Fairness Policies
We reserve the right to withhold or cancel scores at any time in the event that these Test Security and
Fairness policies are not complied with. Individuals suspected of engaging in criminal activities will be
reported to law enforcement agencies.
Prohibited devices: All electronic or communication equipment (cell phones, smart phones, digital cameras,
Bluetooth-enabled devices, MP3 players, email/messaging devices, etc.) must be TURNED OFF and PUT IT
AWAY before taking any Certificate of Fitness test. Any applicants observed with any of these devices
during testing will be automatically failed the test, and the device may be confiscated.
Misconduct: If you engage in misconduct in connection with any Certificate of Fitness test, you will be
automatically failed your test. Misconduct includes:
1. Attempting to take the exam for someone else.
2. Offering a bribe to any NYC employee.
3. Using of cell phones and certain other electronic devices in the exam room.
4. Looking at other examinee's Exam Screens.
5. Looking at any unauthorized material, including, but not limited to, study materials, electronic devices or
any other resource during the Examination.
6. Attempting to remove from the exam room any part of the exam or any notes related to the exam.
7. Attempting to give or receive assistance, or otherwise communicate, through any means, with another
person about the exam during the exam administration.
8. Sharing any exam questions through any means, including, but not limited to, email, text messages, a
camera phone and the internet.
9. Leaving the testing room without permission. Once you have started your test, you will not be allowed
to leave the testing room for any reason (Ex: bathroom, phone calls, money for parking at a meter… etc.)
If you must leave the room, your test will be changed and you will have to start your test over.
10. Creating a disturbance.